Putting Power Back in Your Hands!

Regain Control

Studies have shown that electric vehicle (EV) charging stations attract new customers and increase the amount of time customers spend in a store or a restaurant. This leads to increased sales. Although, these same customers are taking advantage of the free service supplied by retail locations. Many owners connect their EV and leave the location. Others just sit in their EV until they are fully charged and never go into the retail location. Retailers give up prime parking spots and never see the benefits from their investment.

EV Smart Amp’s innovative technology will give retail location owners and managers the ability to regain control of their Level 3 EV charging station investment.

Our Platform

EV Smart Amp’s platform of smart resistors and software puts power back in the hands of retail owners and managers. If the retail location is slow, the amperage on a Level 3 EV charging station can be decreased to prolong the charging time. This gets EV owners out of their vehicles and increases retail foot traffic, increase an EV owner’s linger time, and help increase the number of purchases they make.

If you are a mall, plaza, box store owner or property management group who wants to ensure a return on your EV charging station investment, please sign up to our newsletter to stay in touch.


“Locating EV charging stations in retail and restaurant parking lots offers one of the most profitable potential business models for EV charging”
– Charles Satterfield – Atlas Public Policy


Artem Chernov, Chief Executive Officer at EV Smart Amp

Artem Chernov
Chief Executive Officer

Click here to view Bio

Artemii Osianin, Chief Technology Officer at EV Smart Amp

Artemii Osianin
Chief Technology Officer

Click here to view Bio

Oleg Maiorov, Chief Research & Development Officer at EV Smart Amp

Oleg Maiorov
Chief Research & Development Officer

Click here to view Bio